Truly a man of vision, Bob Asker beamed proudly as the very first therapy session at the H.E.L.P. Center began on April 6, 1992. This small, mostly unnoticed event capped a concentrated effort that he had conceived and nurtured since the early 1980's.
Prior to that simple beginning, Bob Asker donated an untallied amount of time, talent, and financial support to bring life to his dream of helping children. After gaining support of fellow Masons, Bob led the monumental effort of gaining adequate funding to build a foundation for the future success of a professional free speech and language clinic, the Robert E. Asker Scottish Rite Speech Therapy Center for Children.
Since that humble beginning, the Center has provided many hours of therapy sessions. Thanks to Bob and the Scottish Rite Masons, the future looks bright for the Center and area children.